1. Make Payment only in ACUPRESSURE / ACUPUNCTURE & ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE Sansthan's Account. Otherwise we will not be responsible.      2. Last few days to enroll for Hyderabad, Prayagraj, Dehli, workshop for Alternative therapies courses.     3. Diploma in Physiotherapy courses from UGC and skill India.     


Course Application :- FORM Back


Herbal medicine specialists use plant seeds, roots, berries, leaves, blooms, and bark for therapeutic purposes. Professionals who utilize homegrown prescriptions incorporate acupuncturists and naturopathic specialists just as people with far less preparation. Keep perusing to discover more data about ordinary courses in a natural prescription program. 

This course acquaints understudies with natural medication and its utilization as an elective type of prescription. Understudies learn fundamental phrasing, the different uses, and uses of basic herbs and the upsides of utilizing them. Essential home-grown home cures are likewise talked about.

 Diploma in Herbal remedies (D.H.r.)


Senior Secondary or equal or Practical experience in acupressure therapy.

 Minimum 18 years.

Course Mode - 


Mode Type - 

I. Postal - (Hard Copy)

II. Online - (Software)




I. Postal - You can do it at home. Institute will send you a Study bank (books, charts, notes, instrument etc.).

II. Online - You can do this course on the internet/Online also. We can provide you the study material/lessons on your Screen, Software ID & you can clear your doubts through E-mail or What'sApp.


Two Months (The Whole process will be done within two months)
Rs. 5500 (For India) or $ 150 (For Foreign). Correspondence (Distance  Learning). Local training charges will be extra.

Course Mode - 


Mode Type -      

  I. Class - Workshop
  II. Class at Centre
  III. Class Online
  IV. Class - Online Sunday






Institute will send you a Study bank (books, charts, notes, instrument etc.).

Workshop - Classes of special workshop, theory & practical with study material kit. (3 Days, Daily 3 Hours = Total 9 Hr.) 

Center - Classes at Institute or authorized local centers. ( 9 Hr.) 

Online (Software & Lecturer) / (Hardcopy & Lecturer) - Classes by Acupressure guru Software & Zoom App. (5 Days, Daily 2 Hours= Total 10 Hours)

Online Sunday (Software & Lecturer) / (Hardcopy & Lecturer) - Classes by Acupressure guru Software & Zoom App. (5 Sunday, Every sunday 2 Hours = Total 10 Hours) (1000 Rs. Extra Charge) 

1 month (The whole process will be done within one month)
Rs. 8500 (For India) or $ 200 (For Foreign). Regular. 
EXAM MODE / METHOD : After completion of the course, an online exam will be conducted. Exam patterns will be MCQs.(multiple choice question). You have to clear the exam for getting your certificate (min. 40% or 'C' grade).
 Internship at Centre (Local City or Nearest area)
 8500 Rs. (Apart from the course the fee)
 1 Week
 Must have taken the course
 Practical (Diagnosis and Treatment on Patient)


NOTE: 1. This course can be done both in English & Hindi Medium. 2. The course can be done by regular or correspondence. 3. Your one photograph, ID Proof, education certificate & experience certificate are to be attached with the application form. 4. You will be given a certificate after completion of course. 5.You can deposit cash or cheque in ACUPRESSURE ACUPUNCTURE AND ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE SANSTHAN, to AXIS Bank a/c. no. 920010057502810 & State Bank Of India a/c No. 39656178070.  6. Boarding & Lodging facilities will be provided at your own expense.  7. If you are interested in Practical classes (for Correspondence-without study kit & without certificate) the facility is provided at our center/workshop/ authorized center for 3 days on extra subscription Rs. 4500 (For India) & $ 100 (For foreign). 8. Charges for instruments, literature, chart & books will be included for candidates

Main features of this Acupressure course 

    a) You can become a therapist. 

    b) You can get a job/service in a naturopathy hospital or alternative treatment center.

    c) You can consider Acupressure Therapy as your profession.

    d) You can help your family as well as others by treating them free of cost.

    e) The world health organization of Geneva has approved this system.  

    f) You can get an Award/Appreciation Certificate if your work is excellent in this field.

1. Indian System of Medicine 2. Medicinal Botany
3. Modern Analytical Techniques 4. Tissue Culture of Medicinal Plants
5. Extraction, Isolation and Analysis of Phytopharmaceuticals 6. Screening and Standardization of Herbal drugs
7. Herbal Formulations 8. Herbal Cosmetics
9. Nutraceuticals 10. Quality Control of Herbal medicine
11. Herbal medicine: Standards, Regulation and Patenting    

For All Course :- Click Here

Course Application Form :- Click Here